Invested In a New Medical Device? Here’s How to Maximize Your ROI

Morpheus8 logo with model woman smiling.

Investing in cutting-edge medical devices is a significant step for any aesthetic practice looking to expand its service offerings. However, buying these devices is just the beginning. Simply having the latest technology won’t automatically attract patients. To truly benefit from your investment, effective marketing, and dedicated patient support are essential.  

If you’ve spent thousands on introducing a new medical device or cosmetic treatment, we’ve got all the must-know solutions and strategies to skyrocket your sales!

In this blog, we’ll discuss: 

  • challenges selling new services and medical devices
  • effectively marketing your medical devices and services to target customers and current patients 
  • how to strengthen your sales process for maximum ROI and satisfied clients 


The Challenge: Raising Awareness of Your New Medical Devices 

Buying a state-of-the-art laser machine or the latest body contouring device is exciting but presents a new challenge: how to market these services effectively to your patients.  

Whether it’s a popular treatment like Morpheus8 or up-and-coming injectables like SKINVIVE, aesthetic clinics often make the mistake of thinking that simply having new treatments will do the heavy lifting of bringing potential clients in themselves. 

Without patient engagement and a carefully curated aesthetic marketing strategy, you’ll be hard-pressed to garner any interest, leaving you with a hefty, unjustified bill. 

The truth is that selling even the best cosmetic services to your target audience requires strategic sales and marketing efforts – especially in the saturated aesthetics industry. 

Here are some common hurdles: 

  • Lack of Awareness: Potential patients may not be aware of the new treatments available at your practice. 
  • Patient Education: Educating patients with valuable content about the benefits and safety of new procedures is crucial for generating interest and trust. 
  • Competition: The aesthetic industry is highly competitive. Standing out requires an effective marketing strategy and exceptional patient care. 
  • Time Constraints: Busy practices often lack the time and resources to focus on marketing and patient communication. 


The Solution: Lead Generation and Patient Support 

To overcome these challenges, it’s essential to implement a robust marketing strategy and provide exceptional patient support within your medical aesthetics practice. 

With digital marketing strategies and medical practice representation tailored to your clinic, we can reach your target market and turn curious inquiries into consultations. 

  1. Targeted Marketing Campaigns

Our team designs and executes targeted marketing campaigns to promote your new aesthetic services and reach a wider audience. From Google ads and search engine optimization to email marketing, we ensure your message reaches the right audience by building an online presence in the right marketing channels. 

With our proven process for patient acquisition, we deliver qualified leads we’ve captured at their peak interest and are ready to book. 

  1. Patient Education and Engagement

salesMD’s booking specialists are skilled at patient education. We provide detailed information about your new medical devices and treatments, addressing any concerns and answering questions to build trust and interest among your existing client base and potential customers. 

Beyond expertise in medical devices, our specialists are well-versed in the intricacies of the aesthetics industry. We understand the choice to undergo a cosmetic procedure is often an emotional one and are trained on identifying these sensitive drivers.

  1. Appointment Scheduling and Reminders

Efficient appointment scheduling is key to converting interest into bookings and creating happy patients. Our contact center handles all scheduling needs, including sending out reminders to minimize no-show rates and maximize your medical device’s return on investment. 

Our continuous follow-up strategy keeps your aesthetics clinic top-of-mind while maintaining a meaningful relationship with patients. With a stellar experience, we boost patient retention for loyal customers who not only bring in repeat business but also referrals. 

  1. Follow-Up and Feedback Collection

It’s just about finding prospective patients and closing leads! After treatments, follow-up calls are essential to ensure patient satisfaction and gather feedback. salesMD conducts these follow-ups, helping you keep high standards of care and continuously improve your services. 


Why Partner with salesMD? 

Excellent customer service is the cornerstone of success in a competitive market. While many services aim to replace existing staff, our ethos is rather to complement your team and complete the missing pieces of the puzzle. With the challenges of handling valleys and peaks of patient inquiries in the aesthetic business, our medical contact center provides a flexible, scalable solution that only costs you when we’re actively contacting patients. 


Enhanced Patient Experience 

Our dedicated contact center ensures patients receive prompt, professional, and personalized attention, enhancing their overall experience and satisfaction. 

Increased Revenue 

By effectively marketing your new devices and managing patient interactions, we help increase your booking rates and overall revenue. 

Streamlined Operations 

Outsourcing your contact center needs to salesMD allows your staff to focus on delivering exceptional care and improving operational efficiency. 

Data-Driven Insights 

We provide valuable insights from patient interactions and feedback, helping you make informed decisions about your services and marketing strategies. 


Shape Your Success Story with salesMD! 

Purchasing advanced medical devices for your aesthetic practice is a vital step toward growth, but it’s just the beginning. To truly capitalize on your investment, effective marketing, and exceptional patient support are crucial. salesMD offers the expertise and resources to help you succeed, from targeted marketing campaigns to comprehensive patient care. 

Contact salesMD today and discover how our dedicated contact center can help your aesthetic practice thrive! 


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